Wooden or plastic: which windows are better

Wooden or plastic: which windows are better

The most serious competition at the moment is between wood and plastic windows.. In order to determine which of these materials is best used in a particular case, one should first understand what the difference is between them. And we must admit that it is big enough.

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For wooden windows, the most serious positive feature is that they are very environmentally friendly. That is why such designs make it possible to change the indoor microclimate for the better. Nevertheless, PVC cannot be called a natural material, therefore it is not capable of such a thing..

But on the other hand, in terms of durability, PVC window structures significantly outperform wooden ones. In the process of using them, you do not have to put them in order, paint or cover with some kind of complex type of impregnation. Therefore, according to this criterion, plastic windows are much more profitable..

In terms of thermal insulation, timber windows can now be very practical. This means that timber windows are still able to protect an apartment or house from the cold, although it was previously thought the opposite. Therefore, it turns out that any of these types have no serious advantages..

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