How to remove mold from walls

Single-celled organisms are found in almost any room. They can float freely in the air and, in the absence of conditions for reproduction, do not cause much harm to surfaces. If high humidity and high temperature are established in the room, the fungus throws out spores and unpleasant spots appear on the surface of the walls..

In addition to the aesthetic damage to the decoration of the room, the overgrown fungus can pose a danger to the health of residents. The fungus affects the respiratory system, provokes skin diseases and allergies. Even the fungus hidden behind the wallpaper can lead to a deterioration in well-being. Therefore, mold should be removed as quickly as possible. You should also clean and stretch in all rooms from mold..

First of all, you should take care of proper heating and organization of high-quality ventilation of the room. In the event that natural ventilation is not enough, it is necessary to install a forced ventilation system. If the fungus has already appeared, it is necessary to use special formulations based on water-soluble antiseptics..

It should be borne in mind that there is no universal remedy for mold control. It is required to select a drug depending on the type of fungus that has struck the walls of your house. There are blue fungi, molds, rotting fungi, etc. At the initial stage of mold formation, hydrogen peroxide will help; in an advanced case, you can try creosote or a solution of copper sulfate with acetic acid. But the best way is to use a special drug. Treat only cleaned and dried surfaces.

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