Finnish house

Finland is now considered a land of forests and cold. It was the Finns who invented the houses made of laminated veneer lumber, which are currently standing by a lot of people. For this timber, planed boards are taken, glued and pressed. Such a bar is more durable, there is practically no drying out. What else is he notable for. With a similar technology for the manufacture of timber, such characteristics as thermal insulation are increased, the material can be of any length, the shrinkage of the structure is insignificant, in contrast to log cabins from solid tree trunks. Today, after the Finnish house is built, a sewer cleaning tape is immediately installed.

A house is assembled according to the type of a constructor: one log has a groove, the second has a thorn. Thermal insulation tape is laid between the logs. The fit of the bar to the bar is ideal, there are practically no gaps (everything is made on high-precision factory equipment). The bars can be made of different thicknesses, but for northern latitudes the recommended thickness is 270 mm.

The microclimate in the house is very beneficial, since the tree breathes (this is not prevented by the process of gluing the original material — boards, since gluing is done on a water basis). An important factor is the finish. Such a house can no longer be pasted over with wallpaper (you can only look at these walls and admire), do not insulate from the inside. Collected it and live.

The factory produces ready-made standard sets of houses. This significantly reduces design costs. At the request of the customer, the houses can be two-three-storey. Of course, this is the most expensive option for building a house made of wood, but also the highest quality and most durable.

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